Career Politicians ignore the constitution
and burden hardworking citizens.
It's time for common-sense leadership that puts the interests of Washington's citizens first.
The Issues

Public Safety
Public safety and crime are in the forefront of our minds, because it touches all of us. We see increases in drive-by shootings, thefts, robberies, drug use and overdoses, human trafficking and assaults. And it is getting worse by the day! It is getting more dangerous by the day!
Olympia’s solutions seem to center on defunding or weakening law enforcement and this has exacerbated the problem. Criminals feel empowered, while the state is in near crisis mode because of our inability to hire and train new officers. Our state ranks near the bottom in the ratio of police to the population. This is because of the wrong policies of our current legislators that actually create a hostile environment to our first responder community.
Consequently, we must now take action to increase the tools and, especially, training for law enforcement. We can no longer excuse or dismiss property crimes or violence that damage innocent victims and that permeate our neighborhoods.
Without question, we must always respect and honor the rights of all our citizens, regardless of perceived social status. In a civil society, we must also respect the rights of victims.
- I will advocate to provide better training and more of it for our law enforcement. This will give them the necessary resources to effectively fulfill their mission to serve the people in our state, as well as protect those who are putting their life on the line.
- We must enforce our current laws humanely to those trapped in addiction and mental illness and determine which program is needed, but hold criminals accountable who prey on all members of our community.
- Strengthen laws against illegal drug distribution to stop the flow of deadly drugs like fentanyl on our streets.
- Focus on anti-human trafficking laws to ensure people are safe from horrific exploitation and dehumanization.

Housing and Homelessness
We don’t need statistics to tell us that the programs intended to deal with the unhoused are not working. Despite significant funding, the population of the unhoused and homeless continues to swell. While housing is a component of the solution, we seem to have lost focus on the ultimate goal of public policy, which is to bring people out of the cycle of despair. We should consider homelessness as a temporary situation, not a permanent sentence. What is being done now is not compassionate.
Olympia’s current policies fail to provide dignity for those suffering and don’t address the root causes of these issues—addiction, mental health problems, and lack of housing nor do they provide a pathway out for most of the afflicted.
State funding and state sponsored programs must be tied to specific objectives connected directly to the rehabilitation of those suffering on the streets. Criminal elements now preying on the vulnerable should be dealt with promptly. In the extreme cases were the ravages of substance abuse and mental illness prevent reentry into society, the State needs to fulfill its role in care.
- Provide programs with a proven success rate to help those trapped in addiction, or suffering from mental illness
- Monitor programs to ensure high success rates of rehabilitation.
- Provide housing with a plan of exit in place. Homelessness should be a temporary situation, not a permanent sentence.
- Cut through any regulations that overly burden or limit private sector programs that work with the mentally ill and homeless community.

Restore Fiscal Responsibility
In the past 12 years, the state budget has skyrocketed from $31 BILLION to over $70 BILLION, yet we see little improvement. In fact, things seem to be getting worse. Taxpayer dollars are being wasted on programs that cater to special interests rather than achieving measurable results.
Despite voters approving a $30 car tab measure in 2019, Olympia circumvented this by adding "fees," showing a blatant disregard for the will of the people. Meanwhile, Washington’s gas tax, now nearing 50 cents per gallon, is one of the highest in the nation, only to feed the State’s insatiable appetite for spending.
Career politicians push for a state income tax, ignoring the state constitution and the burden high taxes place on hardworking citizens. With inflation driving up the cost of living, now is the time to cut unnecessary spending, not increase it.
- Prioritize transparency and accountability in state spending by requiring detailed reporting and regular audits of all programs. Begin with a thorough audit of current spending.
- Focus on cutting wasteful programs and redirecting funds to essential services like education, infrastructure, and public safety.
- Require spending programs to be tied to specific, measurable objectives instead of creating perpetual programs of never-ending spending

Protect Affordable Energy
Olympia’s push to regulate power and impose new taxes will lead to higher prices and artificial shortages. The legislature is attempting to restrict natural gas expansion and consumption, aiming for a complete ban.
These policies could force homes and businesses to convert from gas to electric energy, ignoring public opinion. Additionally, the legislature imposed restrictions on utilities to prevent them from using power derived from coal-powered plants by 2025, forcing utilities, like Avista, to buy more expensive alternatives. This will potentially lead to increases in electric bills by 70-80%!
With mandates for electric vehicles and rising electrical demand, we’re heading toward planned “brown outs” like those in California, and already seen in Seattle and Portland. The 2021 Washington Climate Control Act established a costly Cap and Trade program that punishes working families without significantly reducing emissions.
- Repeal the Climate Commitment Act (I-2117) to reduce unnecessary costs.
- Protect access to affordable natural gas by supporting I-2066.
- Ensure transparency in utility rate increases.
- Promote a balanced energy policy that includes reliable, low-cost options.

Affordable Housing
The lack of affordable housing isn't just about scarcity—it's about skyrocketing costs. Olympia’s legislative failures have driven up housing prices, making new construction and rentals unaffordable.
Despite rapid development, new apartment rents reflect the increased costs of land and burdensome regulations and can hardly be considered “affordable housing.” The same situation impacts construction of single-family homes where similar homes in Post Falls can be $30,000 to $50,000 less than a comparable home built in Washington. The Growth Management Act, intended to control development, restricted land supply and drove up costs, contributing to the housing crisis.
As property taxes and insurance rates climb—partly due to crime rates—homeownership and rent become even less affordable. Rising utility costs, especially electricity, further strain budgets. If Olympia's plans to restrict gas usage proceed, electricity rates could increase by 70-80%.
Rent control proposals, although thwarted last session, are set to return. While intended to help, rent control would backfire, leading to a reduction in rental properties as owners choose to sell their units due to rising costs and burdensome landlord-tenant laws.
- Reevaluate and amend the Growth Management Act to allow for more land availability, reducing housing costs.
- Reduce burdensome regulations that drive up construction costs, especially those not directly tied to safety or essential standards.
- Implement tax relief for homeowners and landlords to ease the financial burden and encourage affordable rentals.
- Focus on increasing the supply of affordable housing through incentives for builders and streamlined approval processes.
- Oppose rent control measures that would reduce the availability of rental properties, instead promoting policies that encourage investment in affordable housing.
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